import { exec } from 'child-process-promise';
import tmpFile from 'tmp-file';
import loadJSONFile from 'load-json-file';
const config = {
classPath: 'corenlp/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/*',
mainClass: 'edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP',
props: '',
* @class
* @classdesc Class representing a Connector CLI (command line interface client)
class ConnectorCli {
* Create a ConnectorCli
* @param {Object} config
* @param {string} config.classPath - The path to the Jar files to be included
* @param {string} config.mainClass - The name of the Java class that represents the main program
* @param {string} config.props The - path to the properties file (for example, language specific)
classPath = config.classPath,
mainClass = config.mainClass,
props = config.props,
} = { }) {
this._classPath = classPath;
this._mainClass = mainClass;
this._props = props;
this._tmpFile = tmpFile;
this._exec = exec;
this._loadJSONFile = loadJSONFile;
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
// TODO options,
// TODO language
}) {
const params = [
'-cp', `'${this._classPath}'`,
'-props', `${this._props}`,
'-annotators', `${annotators.join()}`,
'-outputFormat', 'json',
return this._tmpFile(text).then(file =>
this._exec(`java ${params.concat([`-file ${file.path}`]).join(' ')}`)
.then((result) => {
const stdout = result.stdout || result.stderr;
const outfile = stdout.match(/writing to (.*\.json)/)[1];
return this._loadJSONFile(outfile);
export default ConnectorCli;